hrmmm nothing much to do today... i have got paper diz monday... subject financial Public Relations and we do learned about Investor Relations nothing interesting but it was ok actually... i am not in a good mood rite now coz feeling unwell.. but i have to forget all the thing and pretend well in front others... dats me.. i will always be me.. =) i am the person who do not like to express others about my feeling they have to catch by themselves either me get anger with something or did something went wrong to me... ok stop talking about me... so..im going to start study but have not decided when it is.. haha but pretty sure TODAY... *fhana ko insaflah....jgnlah study last minit jek kje ko... =p BUT... when i do something last minute... its not really last minute... i'll make sure the times will be the exact and sharp. when im decided to do things last minutely i will make sure dat the things will going smoothly and i will working hard on that things ^_^ *brani buat brani tanggung tapi aq akan makesure yg nothing to much utk ditanggung.heheh think smart! My future is everything to me...
my parents is my priority
so then....
just wait n see! =))
ALLah was created something good for us...
and for me...
believe on it =)
my parents is my priority
so then....
just wait n see! =))
ALLah was created something good for us...
and for me...
believe on it =)
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