woooooo!!! (impress)..tue ayat yg kua dr mulut aq when 1st get entered to the hotel lobby...damn beautiful the scene u knoe...dlu penh la pegi sini.(time skolah menengah,,,lme dh berlalu..haha)..then aq slalu pk mne g swimming pool aq slalu jalan2 dlu...ingt belah utara mines..rupenye belah selatan(* utara selatan aq pon xtaw.hahaha) actually ada meeting dgn manager yg in-charge department hall...so me n my boss (travel agent) tunggu la dekt lobby...yg buat scene ni bertambh cantek coz time tu nk hujan dh..so angin sgt kuat plus sgt tenang tgk tasek yg ada cruise tu ok...haha penghujung tasik is hotel palace of the golden horses..hotel wellness ni under hotel palace..dats y dia bertentangan..so if nk ke palace..just cruise je...huhu xpyh ikot jem+tol.haha but from my area la.heheh (balakong). pic yg first tue pic dimana aq berdiri n my focus view...cantek kan...if real lg cantek..wuaaa...skewww!! =p hotel ni belakang mines shopping center jek...hehe so..after dh teruja dgn view yg cantek GILERRR...mr..ALAAA lpe pulak..ada 2 org la td.hehe bwk kami pergi melawat kesmua hall n meeting room...quite nice...n the rate is not really expensive..maybe coz kami dpt agent rate.heheh...but dats the wonderful moment coz aq dpt jd PR smentara deal dgn pihak hotel utk event yg bos aq nk buat... very professional...kami dilayan mcm VVIP..huhu yewla..business babe...
k la..chow!
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