girl =make up...
agak2 boleyh separate x>???
haha dah lme xmake up since diploma...
malas sgt2...
but klu nk kua now just pki bedak baby milk powder + eye liner...
but sometimes klu rjin pki gak la mascara...
padahal time2 diploma dlu...drp foundation...eyeshadow...eyeliner...mascara...magic liner...
hah blusher...n etc....memg penuh dlm laci aq...
but now??
haha tah la..xtaw mcm mne leyh mls lak..ucu aq ckp..aq natural beauty..*(cantik ke)
btw cantik tu subjektif ok...haha
people always used ckp aq nmpk pelik if make up lbeyh2....
dlu ada sorg boy penh ckp yg aq ni puteh so ble put make up color lbeyh2 nmpk plik.hahaha
am i???
but sometimes its look good...
agak2 boleyh separate x>???
haha dah lme xmake up since diploma...
malas sgt2...
but klu nk kua now just pki bedak baby milk powder + eye liner...
but sometimes klu rjin pki gak la mascara...
padahal time2 diploma dlu...drp foundation...eyeshadow...eyeliner...mascara...magic liner...
hah blusher...n etc....memg penuh dlm laci aq...
but now??
haha tah la..xtaw mcm mne leyh mls lak..ucu aq ckp..aq natural beauty..*(cantik ke)
btw cantik tu subjektif ok...haha
people always used ckp aq nmpk pelik if make up lbeyh2....
dlu ada sorg boy penh ckp yg aq ni puteh so ble put make up color lbeyh2 nmpk plik.hahaha
am i???
but sometimes its look good...
kenapa xske pakai eye shadow????
xske sbb mata aq tenggelam (people used to call mata sepet @xde kelopak mata)
cantik kan tgk mata2 bulat2 mcm patung..tp xpew..aq skew mata aq...
sebb mata aq la ramai kakak2 n abg2 kat skolah dlu nk amik jd adik angkat..haha
tp if pki pon aq akan plih color2 brown gelap n color2 gelap la senang cter...
(*konon nk mata nmpk besar)
conclusion of the story...
aq kne make up balik laaaaaaaa
nk kje kat office kan...tmbah lagi aq corporate department...dealing ngn org penting2...
haishhh image kne jge babe...malu la budak PR xjge image...xpasal2 kne maki ngn manager...hee
as my friend dlu kat NSTP...depatment len yg maki dia coz attire x proper.. ksalahan dia cme satu..dia under PR Department n suppose to know how to dress...haha..
so jge2 la image anda... PR practitioner yg aq jmpe mostly smua mcm huh very dew high image..
still thinking ...nk ke x jd PR practitioner?? hee ok let things happen first then we will know later...
c yeah!!
mwax!!! (*-*)
xske sbb mata aq tenggelam (people used to call mata sepet @xde kelopak mata)
cantik kan tgk mata2 bulat2 mcm patung..tp xpew..aq skew mata aq...
sebb mata aq la ramai kakak2 n abg2 kat skolah dlu nk amik jd adik angkat..haha
tp if pki pon aq akan plih color2 brown gelap n color2 gelap la senang cter...
(*konon nk mata nmpk besar)
conclusion of the story...
aq kne make up balik laaaaaaaa
nk kje kat office kan...tmbah lagi aq corporate department...dealing ngn org penting2...
haishhh image kne jge babe...malu la budak PR xjge image...xpasal2 kne maki ngn manager...hee
as my friend dlu kat NSTP...depatment len yg maki dia coz attire x proper.. ksalahan dia cme satu..dia under PR Department n suppose to know how to dress...haha..
so jge2 la image anda... PR practitioner yg aq jmpe mostly smua mcm huh very dew high image..
still thinking ...nk ke x jd PR practitioner?? hee ok let things happen first then we will know later...
c yeah!!
mwax!!! (*-*)
wah...tkotnyer weh..lg 3 hr nk praktikal..huhu
ReplyDeletemake up itu perlu,,kui3
hahahah harus weyh!!!
ReplyDeletentahnye... aku pon same... dulu mcm2 pakai... sekarang jgn kate maskara ke eye shadow... lipstick pon jarang... lip ice, pelembab, bedak je...